79 pages. Full-colour. Soft cover with 36 watercolor paintings.
160mm (H) x 230mm (W)
Bilingual (Chinese & English
ISBN 978-988-74207-0-5
about this book
I call these work “Ut Pictura Poesis” because they literally were the results of my fleeting glances whether from travel or leisure of a particular moment and gaze which I found appealing. They might range from the pink muhly grass on Jeju Island, the sunset on Westlake of Hangzhou, to the spectacle of the Eiffel Tower from across the Seine. Whatever the subject matter, they are the special moments of my perception crystalized through watercolours usually within half an hour or more. The Horatian saying Ut pictura poesis (as in painting so is poetry) sums up pretty much my intention and aspiration towards an integral art form of word and image.