108 pages. Full-colour. Hardcover. Accordion fold.
170 mm (H) x 250 mm (W)
Bilingual (English & Chinese)
ISBN 978-988-772382-0
about this book
by Kenneth Lo
Champion (Hong Kong) and Honourable Mention (Japan) at the 2005 EPSON Imaging Awards
No landscape ever stays the same, although in memories and photographs, we can try to keep things just as they are. If there was ever a landscape in flux and in need of documentation, it would be Nathan Road. One of Hong Kong’s longest and oldest thoroughfares, it’s home to an ever-changing jumble of advertisements, shops, restaurants, and residences—run through by an endless flow of foot and vehicular traffic. To wander Nathan Road is to know the pulse of the city.
In 2005, designer–photographer Kenneth Lo set out to document this main artery of Hong Kong, one frame at a time. Nathan Road is a side-by-side composite of those images, forming a complete picture of the entire 3.6 kilometres. With its accordion fold binding, you can choose to either discover each neighbourhood one page at a time or unfurl it like a scroll for a visual stroll downtown—wherever or whenever you are.
This 2016 revised reprint edition presents some of the changes along the thoroughfare since 2007, when this books was first published, and since 2005, when all the images were taken.