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YUEN, Che Hung 阮志雄
Storyteller. Poet. Teacher. Craftsman of imagined reality. Founder of nohurry story workshop in 1994. Co-founder of 'Tales we Tell' in 2012, a group of storytellers as community weavers. Yuen has published children's books, collections of stories and poems, scripts, and books on pedagogy. People in the tough rough world call him Uncle Hung Jai.
故事人.詩人.老師.製造想像真實的匠人。1994 年創辦<慢慢走故事坊>。2 0 1 2 年跟其他故事人創辦<四圍講古>.一起成為社群編織匠。曾出版童書.繪本.故事和詩集.劇本及教育文集。江湖中人稱他為雄仔叔叔。
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