TAKAGI, Mariko
Mariko Takagi is a graphic designer, typographer and book designer who has been teaching typography at design institutes in Germany and Hong Kong for more than a decade. She has also authored and designed several books: An Invitation for Tea (Eine Einladung zum Tee), Drawing with Sounds (Mit Lauten Malen), and Dear Aliens in Japan 2: a short introduction for newcomers to Japan (An die Aliens in Japan 2 — eine kleine Anleitung für Japananfänger) among others, which touch on her unique German-Japanese cultural background. Inspired by the traditional Chinese characters (hanzi), Takagi presents Hanzigraphy from a visual communication perspective. Recently she is deepening her research in Japanese and Chinese writing system in relation to typographic expression. E/moji graphy: the essense of kanji, visually was published in 2022.