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LEE, Mei Kuen, Carol
Carol Lee Mei Kuen received a Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) with distinction from RMIT University in 2002 and a Master of Arts (Fine Art) in 2008, she was selected as a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society, and was one of the founding members of the MIA (Mere Independent Artist) group, until 2013. Her work was selected for the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition in 2001, and as 2nd runner up in the Phillippe Charriol Art competition. Her “glass series” was also selected for the Corning Museum of Glass in New York in 2005, 2006 and 2009. In 2002, Carol initiated an open house series of art studios in industrial building, and organized a programme of talks and forums on this cultural phenomenon. In 2004, she opened “Too Art”, a private gallery to promote art and collection culture in Hong Kong. In 2008, she became the vice convener of Art Container Project. Her artworks are collected by overseas and local museums, foundations and private individuals.
李美娟於2002年以優異成績畢業於香港藝術學院與澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學合辦的藝術文學士學位(純藝術) 。2008獲藝術碩士學位(純藝術),並獲校外評審頒發碩士傑出成就獎。2001年獲選為Golden Key International Honour Society之會員,及為MIA(Mere Independent Artist)創辨委員之一至2013年。她的繪畫及裝置作品曾入選香港藝術雙年展、澳門藝術館及夏利豪基金藝術比賽獲獎,其玻璃系列作品,更連續三年入選美國紐約康寧玻璃美術館年刊。2002年,她策劃名為「開閘」的柴灣工業區之藝術家開放工作室、並連串活動及研討會。2004年,她在藝術中心開辦「二樓原作」畫廊,推動本地藝術收藏文化。2008年, 策劃及籌組藝術貨櫃計劃,為計劃召集人之一。多次在海外及本地舉辦展覽,作品為海外及本地博物館、藝術基金及私人收藏。
Thread of Luminosity
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