HO, Oscar 何慶基
香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系副教授、文化管理碩士課程主任,加拿大薩省大學、美國加州大學戴維斯學院研究院畢業,於德國德意志博物館、紐約現代藝術館受訓,曾任香港藝術中心展覽總監、香港政府民政事務局高級研究主任、上海當代藝術館創館館長、香港藝術發展局創局成員,以及西九龍文化區博物館顧問小組成員,負責構思M+的理念,曾於香港、亞洲、歐美、澳紐策劃逾百展覽,為亞洲文獻庫創會董事,以及第十三屆卡塞爾文獻展國際評審委員會成員,負責甄選該屆的策展總監。何慶基是國際藝術評論人香港分會的創立人,從事文化評論逾三十年,於本地及國際刊物如 《信報》、《明報》、《蘋果報》、《當代藝術新聞》、《Art Journal》、《Artforum》、 《ArtAsiaPacific》及《Newsweek》等發表文章。
Oscar specializes in the practice and critical studies of cultural management, particularly in the area of visual arts, museum management and curatorship. Formerly Exhibition Director at the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Senior Research Officer at the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, and Founding Director of Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai, Oscar is currently Programme Director of the MA programme in Cultural Management.
Oscar has been actively engaging in curatorial practice for over two decades and curated numerous exhibitions locally and internationally in Asia, Europe and North America. In 2014, he curated ‘Leung Ping Kwan(1949-2013), A Retrospective’ exhibition in Hong Kong and Taipei, crossing the boundaries of art and literature. He has also been actively engaged in community cultural projects and is one of the pioneers in the promotion of community art. Oscar was a member of the Museum Advisory Group for the West Kowloon Cultural District, as well as the Consultation Panel of the West Kowloon Authority. He is a founding member of the board of Asia Art Archive and HULU, a community arts action group; chairman of Art in Hospital; and a member of the International Committee of documenta 13. He writes regularly for local and international publications. He is chairman of the board of the C for Culture magazine, and member of the Advisory Board of the London-based journal Afterall. His collection of prose on curating contemporary art was published by MCCM Creations in 2016.