CHEN, Movana
Movana Chen is a Hong Kong-based artist who studied fashion design at the London College of Fashion and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the RMIT University in Hong Kong.
Movana started her knitting projects in 2004 by making “magazine clothes”, a genre that involves playing with deconstructing and reconstructing of meanings and content by knitting shredded magazine papers. Her work is a multi-disciplinary fusion of media, fashion, performance, installation and sculpture which has been presented at different exhibitions, art festivals and events globally.
Recent solo projects include shows at ArtisTree (Hong Kong), Chinart LaGalerie (Paris), Shin Hwa Gallery (Hong Kong) and Pekin Fine Arts (Beijing). She has also participated in group-exhibitions at Frankston Arts Centre (Melbourne), Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (Rotterdam-Netherland), CODA Museum (Apeldoorn-Netherland), Espace Louis Vuitton (Hong Kong and Singapore), MoA Museum of Art Seoul National University, Gyeonggi MoMA Korea and MoCA Shanghai Museum. Movana was one of the 30 finalists of the 2011 & 2012 Sovereign Asian Art Prize. Her art works have been collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Louise Vuitton (Paris) and private collectors from Hong Kong, China and France.
本地藝術家陳麗雲曾於英國倫敦時裝學院學習時裝設計,及後畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學與香港藝術學院合辦的藝術學士學位課程。自2004年起,陳麗雲開始用舊雜誌編織「雜誌衣裳」;解構和重建它們的含意。她的藝術作品橫跨時裝、行為藝術、裝置藝術和雕塑等多個媒介,曾於多個國家展覽。陳麗雲除了於巴黎、北京、韓國及香港等地舉辦個人展覽外,近年參加聯展包括2013年在荷蘭CODA博物館舉行的「Paper Art」、2012年在韓國首爾大學美術館舉行的「Design Futurology」、2010年在韓國首爾藝術中心舉行的「戰爭與和平」國際時裝藝術雙年展、2009年在韓國京畿道現代藝術博物館舉行的「Fashion Ethics – Wear Good」及2008年第二屆上海當代藝術館文獻展「夢蝶」等。最近其作品更分別入選2012年及2011年的「傑出亞洲藝術獎」。她的藝術作品為香港文化博物館、路易威登(巴黎) 和私人收藏家所收藏。