BORIO, Géraldine & Caroline WÜTHRICH
Géraldine Borio (b. 1981) and Caroline Wüthrich (b. 1980) are two Swiss architects with degrees from the Swiss Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL | ETH) and with extensive architectural experience working in Tokyo, Beijing, Geneva, Zurich, Peru, and Hong Kong. Their collaboration began in 2007 on a large-scale research project in Bangkok. In 2010, they founded Parallel Lab, an Architectural Office and Research Laboratory based in Hong Kong. Géraldine and Caroline have participated in workshops, research projects, lectures, and exhibitions across Asia, North America, and Europe, including the AAA Backroom Conversation, ART HK; Beijing Design Week; St-Etienne Design Biennale; and Living as Form, ICI Curatorial Hub, New York. Géraldine is currently a Teaching Fellow at The School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Caroline is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and at The University of Hong Kong.
瑞士建築師Géraldine B o r i o 及C a r o l i n e Wüthrich 分別生於1981 年及1980 年。兩人於瑞士洛桑聯邦理工學院畢業,曾於東京、北京、日內瓦、蘇黎世、秘魯和香港工作,擁有豐富建築經驗。 兩人於2007 年為曼谷的一項大型研究項目開始合作; 2010 年,成立駐香港的建築事務所和研究實驗室Parallel Lab。 他們曾於亞洲、北美和歐洲參與多次工作坊、研究項目、講座和展覽, 包括A A A 後室談、香港國際藝術展(現為香港巴塞爾藝術展)、北京國際設計週、法國聖埃第安國際設計雙年展,以及紐約國際獨立策展人協會的《生活作為形式》展覽計劃。 Géraldine 現為香港理工大學設計學院專任導師,Caroline 則為香港中文大學及香港大學建築系兼任助理講師。